LPS 02820 EM-Citro 溶剂/去油剂
LPS 02820 EM-Citro 溶剂/去油剂气雾剂装和菜装浓缩型EM-Citro 乳液去油剂是一种粘性的液体泡沫清洁剂,可附着在垂直表面上,以延长接触时间,使得能够轻松地清除附着的顽固污渍。使用后可将使用拭擦干净或直接冲洗。
低泡沫粘性液体,可通过吸附至污渍 及表面上增强接触时间。
NSF® C1 注册编号#138552:(气雾剂);#138551:(散装)
Stock Size
02820 454克(16盎司)气雾剂 直接使用装
02801 3.78升(1加仑)罐装 浓缩装
02805 18.93升(5加仑 )手提桶装 浓缩装
02855 208(55加仑 )桶装
EM-CITRO Emulsion Degreaser
Heavy-duty, citrus-based, emulsion degreaser that quickly removes oil/grease, tar, and grime from metal parts & equipment
High delivery aerosol spray enhances & accelerates soil removal
Wipe dry or rinse with water – product/soil emulsifies and is removed easily by a strong stream of fresh water
Aerosol meets VOC regulations under California Air Resources Board (CARB) & the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC)
Neutral pH with no caustics, acids, chlorinated solvents, alcohols, or ozone depleting solvents
Safe on most surfaces
Low foam, viscous liquid enhances contact time by clinging to the soil & surface
Concentrate can be used straight or diluted with water
Fast penetrating action
Does not contain hazardous chlorinated solvents
Concentrate is VOC compliant per SCAQMD Rule 1171 when diluted 1:32 with water (4 oz. per gallon)
地址: 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路1818号3号楼一层
邮编: 201802
联系人: 蒋满平
电话: 021-58528856
传真: 021-58528166
手机: 13788990268,13917171467
邮箱: 13788990268@163.com
地址: 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路1818号3号楼一层 邮编: 201802 联系人: 蒋满平
电话: 021-58528856 传真: 021-58528166 手机: 13788990268,13917171467
邮箱: 13788990268@163.com